100 Mulgul Rd Malaga, Perth
Monday - Friday 8am to 3.30pm
Terms and Conditions
VITRUM surfaces will provide branding, website design, search engine optimisation and marketing services to the Client on the terms and conditions set out below.
The parties agree as follows:
1. Interpretation
In this document:
a. Content means all items used by the Client to promote itself and its business and required by VITRUM surfaces to deliver website design and development Services, including all relevant marketing material, photographs and logos;
b. Contract means a contract between VITRUM surfaces and the Client for the supply of Services, constituted by these Terms and the terms set out in the relevant Quote, if any.
c. Client means the person requesting VITRUM surfaces to supply the Services the subject of these Terms;
d. Invoices means the invoices issued pursuant to clause 5;
e. VITRUM surfaces means VITRUM surfaces Agency ACN 628 221 349 trading as “VITRUM surfaces Agency” and “VITRUM surfaces”;
f. Quote means a written quotation issued by VITRUM surfaces to the Client for the Services;
g. Services mean branding, website design, search engine optimisation, marketing and other services provided by VITRUM surfaces to the Client from time to time;
h. Terms mean this document entitled “Terms and conditions of engagement”;
i. Third Party Service means a service provided by a third party to the Client, including hosting, search engine optimisation, SSL certificates, domain names and online marketing;
j. Website Design and Development Contracts mean Contracts where VITRUM surfaces provides website design and development Services;
k. ‘includes’ means includes without limitation and ‘including’ has a corresponding meaning; and
l. no rule of construction will apply to the disadvantage of VITRUM surfaces on the basis that it was responsible for the preparation of this document.
2. Contract
a. If the Client requests VITRUM surfaces to provide Services:
VITRUM surfaces will provide the Client with a Quote;
The Quote shall be open for acceptance until the earlier of:
the period stated in the Quote and, if no period is stated, then 30 days from the date the Quote is issued; or
the time that VITRUM surfaces advises the Client that it is withdrawing the Quote.
Unless otherwise advised by VITRUM surfaces, the Quote shall not include the fees and costs of project managing external contractors.
b. The Client shall be deemed to have entered into a Contract when:
the Client advises VITRUM surfaces that they accept the Quote;
the Client instructsVITRUM surfaces to proceed to supply the Services even if the Client has not expressly accepted the Quote; or
VITRUM surfaces supplies the Services and the Client pays for the same in full or in part even if the Client has not expressly accepted the Quote.
the time that VITRUM surfaces advises the Client that it is withdrawing the Quote.
c. Unless the parties agree otherwise, these Terms shall also apply to any future supply of Services by VITRUM surfaces even if these Terms are not provided to the Client again.
3. Periodic charges for third party services
a. The Client authorises VITRUM surfaces to do all things necessary to keep Third Party Services active, including renewing the contract term of the Third Party Services up to a term equivalent to the period of the immediately expired or expiring term and providing the Client’s credit card details to the supplier of the Third Party Services.
b. The Client may cancel any renewal term by giving VITRUM surfaces a written notice no later than 30 days prior to the expiry of the previous term.
c. The rate payable will be invoiced 30 days prior to each renewal period. The balance of the contract payment method that forms a part of this Contract will be used to process payments for any subsequent terms.
4. Website design and development
a. For Website Design and Development Contracts:
the Client must supply the Content to VITRUM surfaces by no later than 14 days after the Contract is entered into;
if a website incorporates acontent management system (CMS), the Client is solely responsible for loading relevant content into the CMS driven sections and releases and indemnifies VITRUM surfaces from all liability arising from the content the Client loads.
the Client must pay:
25% of the Quote prior to VITRUM surfaces providing any Services;
50% of the Quote after VITRUM surfaces has provided half of the Services described in the Quote; and
25% of the Quote after the website is completed and operational on VITRUM surfaces’s test server (Instalments).
b. The website shall be deemed to be complete and operational if:
all text, images and functionality requested by the Client has been installed (Installation); and
the Client does not request any amendments to the website for a period of 7 days immediately following Installation.
c. VITRUM surfaces may render Invoices for each of the Instalments at any time, and the Client must pay the same, in accordance with clause 5 of these Terms.
d. During the development of the website, VITRUM surfaces may recommend further additions or changes to the work scope and if the Client accepts them then it will pay the fees and costs associated with the same.
5. Intellectual Property (IP)
a. VITRUM surfaces owns the rights to all intellectual property (IP) for the setup & management of all Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) & Google Ads Campaigns. The proprietary of all ad accounts data, campaign insights, including any campaign content & creative would be solely owned by VITRUM surfaces.
6. Invoices
a. VITRUM surfaces may render Invoices to the Client at any time for the Services supplied by VITRUM surfaces to the Client.
b. The Client must pay in full any Invoice by no later than 7 days after the date of the Invoice.
7. Failure to pay
a. If the Client fails to pay an Invoice in accordance with clause 5b, VITRUM surfaces may, until the Client pays the Invoices:
cease all Services, including marketing and website development services; and disable a website being developed by VITRUM surfaces for the Client.
b. Until the Client pays all outstanding Invoices, VITRUM surfaces will retain the title and interestto all intellectual property rights to all things
VITRUM surfaces designs, develops, authors or creates in the course of providing the Services.
8. Cancellation and refund
a. To the extent permitted by law, VITRUM surfaces will not resupply or refundany Services under any circumstances.
b. VITRUM surfaces may terminate the Contract without notice to the Clientif the Services are used in a way that VITRUM surfaces deems inappropriate including:
sending unsolicited promotional electronic mail;
loading or storing of content that israted ‘NC’ by the Australian Broadcasting Authority or illegal such as illegal software, software cracks and pornography; and obscene material, fraudulent or deceptive statements, threatening, intimidating or harassing statements or material which violates the privacy rights or property rights of others, or is likely to be defamatory of another person.
9. Warranties and liability
a. The Client warrants that it has obtained all necessary licences and consents for all Content on its website.
b. The Client indemnifies and holds harmless VITRUM surfaces against any claim:
in connection with the provision by VITRUM surfaces of the Services;
in relation to the loss of data or security problems;
in relation to any failure or non-availability of hosting services; and
that arises from the Client’s failure to comply with clause 8a.
10. Privacy
a. In the course of dealing with the Client, VITRUM surfaces may collect personal information from the Client and derive information from the Client’s website (Information).
b. The Client authorises VITRUM surfaces tocollect and use the Information for:
for the purpose of supplying the Services and any other services to the Client; and VITRUM surfaces own marketing and promotional purposes.
c. The Client authorises and consents to VITRUM surfaces:
placing VITRUM surfaces’s logo and hyperlink on its homepage; and its website in VITRUM surfaces’s directory.
11. Governing Law
The Contract shall be governed by the laws of Western Australia and VITRUM surfaces and the Client consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Western Australia.
12. Variation
a. VITRUM surfaces may in its sole discretion, amend these Terms by notice in writing to the Client and the Client will from the date of receipt of the notice be bound in its dealings with VITRUM surfaces by the amended Terms.
b. No variation of or waiver of any of these Terms will be of any force or effect unless they are agreed by VITRUM surfaces in writing.
13. Assignment
The Client shall not assign any of its rights, obligations or benefits under these Terms without VITRUM surfaces’s express consent in writing.